
Global Jet Capital 经营性租赁
您可以担心在您更换飞机时的全球股市的情况如何? 且飞机的残值会对您的净资产产生怎么样的影响? –或者,让我们来烦恼这个问题。
商务飞机的融资可以很复杂,且需要考虑很多的未知因素。或者可以很简单,仅需要跟我们联络。有了 Global Jet Capital 经营性租赁方案,您无需大量资金支出就能充分地拥有飞机,体验商务飞机所带来真正便利。于租约结束时,您仅需归还飞机并挑选下一架,不必担心飞机残值。更不用担心全球经济市场。简捷。
我们的融资产品涵盖了整个飛機资产的生命周期,包含飞机收购、飞机处置和飞机升级,目标在于完善您的私人飞行经验。重点在于,从释放您的资金到飞机的转换,我们可以为您客制并提供多种方案以供选择。拥有逾 26 亿美元的资产和多年交易经验,我们的团队在业界在为客户定制融资方案上具有独特优势。


- Model
- Two G600s
- New or Used
- Region
- North America
- Financial Products Provided
- Operating Lease
- More About this Transaction
- Global Jet Capital provided operating leases on two new aircraft for a US-based blue chip corporation. A new client to Global Jet Capital, this historical cash buyer valued the predictable budgeting and ease of fleet upgrade structured in the operating lease.

- Model
- Citation Latitude
- New or Used
- Region
- Europe
- Financial Products Provided
- Finance Lease
- More About this Transaction
- A first-time buyer sought a trusted partner in aviation to consult and support the funding of a new aircraft. In addition to providing the new client with a bespoke high LTV structure, Global Jet Capital was committed to funding amidst economic uncertainty

- Model
- Global 7500
- New or Used
- Region
- North America
- Financial Products Provided
- Operating Lease
- More About this Transaction
- A US-based corporate credit expanded global operations and required a longer-range aircraft. Given economic uncertainty and price volatility in large cabin aircraft, the client desired an operating lease rather than paying cash. Moving fast to meet the transaction timeframe, Global Jet Capital
completed underwriting and funding for this new client in less than 3 weeks.

- Model
- Challenger 350
- New or Used
- Pre-Owned
- Region
- North America
- Financial Products Provided
- Operating Lease
- More About this Transaction
- A US-based former charter user required exclusive access to an aircraft for travel safety and certainty. Global Jet Capital’s well-maintained inventory aircraft fit the mission profile and budget for the new client. The operating lease provided a smooth transition from charter access to quiet enjoyment of a dedicated aircraft, without the cost and risk of aircraft ownership.

- Model
- Citation Sovereign
- New or Used
- Pre-Owned
- Region
- North America
- Financial Products Provided
- Operating Lease
- More About this Transaction
- Global Jet Capital provided a lease extension to a current client. A significant amount of additional funding was built into the lease to allow for improvements to soft goods and avionics.

- Model
- G550
- New or Used
- Pre-Owned
- Region
- North America
- Financial Products Provided
- Operating Lease
- More About this Transaction
- An existing international client wanted to extend their current lease to bridge into a new aircraft. Global Jet Capital delivered a flexible lease extension with optionality to upgrade into a new aircraft.
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